1. What is the article name? Shake It All About
2. Who is the author? n/a
3. Who is the publisher? The Economist
4. Which Earth Science does it fall under? Geology
5. What are 3 things you learned from this article? Laptops can detect earthquakes, If you drop your laptop, a chip built into it will sense the acceleration and protect the delicate moving parts of its hard disk before it hits the ground, and Seismometers are large, expensive beasts, costing $10,000 or more apiece
6. What are 2 things that you found interesting about this article? The iPhone uses such a chip to detect its orientation so that it can rotate its display and thus make it easily readable, and an accelerometer chip in a laptop is not very useful for earthquake detection, cause it cannot distinguish between a earthquake and all sorts of other vibrations.
7. What is 1 question that you still have about the topic after reading this article? When will this idea be made more public.
Number 2-
1. What is the article name? Storm system drenches North Carolina coast
2. Who is the author? By Sam Scott & Dave Reynolds
4. Which Earth Science does it fall under? Meteorology and Oceanography
5. What are 3 things you learned from this article? Flooding led the Carolina Beach police and fire departments to close two roads in the town’s north end, Winds reached up to 60 mph, Much flooding occured.
6. What are 2 things that you found interesting about this article? 2 surfers surfed the waves while the storm was going on, people stayed in the town during the shores
7. What is 1 question that you still have about the topic after reading this article? Did the storm do tons and tons of damage?
mucho love, madeline